Frama Matrix F12 franking machine review

For any UK business that frequently sends out mail, a reliable and efficient franking machine can be a significant asset. It not only streamlines the process of preparing mail but also can lead to substantial cost savings.

With that in mind, we take a closer look at the Frama Matrix F12, a model that has garnered attention within small and medium-sized business circles for its promise of simplicity and efficiency.

Video: Common questions about buying or renting a franking machine

Frama Matrix F12 at a glance

ModelFrama Matrix F12
Processing SpeedUp to 50 items per day
Integrated Weighing Scale2 kg capacity
DisplayColour touch screen
DimensionsApprox. 345mm x 400mm x 230mm
WeightApprox. 8.5 kg
Postal Rate UpdatesAutomatic
Mailmark CompatibleYes
Advertising MessagesCustomisable
Envelope ThicknessUp to 10mm
Departmental AccountsUp to 30 accounts
WarrantyTypically 1-2 years, varies by supplier
Frama Matrix F12 specification

Introduction to the Frama Matrix F12

The Frama Matrix F12 is a compact and versatile franking machine designed for small businesses with moderate mailing needs. Known for its user-friendly interface and reliable performance, the F12 is part of Frama’s Matrix series of franking machines, which are reputed for their quality and innovation in postal technology.

Key features and specifications

At the heart of the F12’s appeal is a range of features tailored for ease of use and cost efficiency:

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  1. Touch screen display: The F12 boasts a clear and intuitive touch screen interface, making it straightforward to navigate through its functions.
  2. Integrated weighing scale: With an integrated 2 kg scale, the F12 can accurately calculate postage for a variety of mail sizes and weights, ensuring that users only pay what’s necessary.
  3. Royal Mail tariff updates: The machine is equipped with automatic tariff updates in line with Royal Mail pricing changes, which is essential for maintaining compliance and budget control.
  4. Connectivity: The F12 offers LAN connectivity, facilitating swift updates and postage re-crediting directly through an internet connection.
  5. Speed and volume: The machine is capable of processing up to 50 items per day, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized enterprises.
  6. Customisation: Businesses can enhance their mail with custom slogans, messages, or company logos, providing a professional touch to every item sent.

Ease of use

One of the most significant advantages of the F12 is its simplicity. The touch screen interface guides users through each step of the process, which can help reduce errors and rework. For businesses without a dedicated mailroom staff, such usability is a boon, allowing any team member to operate the machine with minimal training.

Frama Matrix F12 price and cost considerations

When evaluating the Frama Matrix F12, it’s crucial to understand the investment and the options available for incorporating it into your business operations. Pricing for franking machines like the F12 can vary widely depending on whether you choose to purchase outright or rent the equipment. Let’s delve into the estimated costs for both scenarios.

Pricing OptionInitial CostMonthly CostAnnual CostAdditional Notes
Purchase£1,000 – £2,000N/AN/AExcludes supplies and maintenance costs. Ink cartridges: approx. £100 – £150 each.
RentalN/A£20 – £40£240 – £480Typically includes service and maintenance.
Frama F12 prices and costs

Purchase options

Purchasing a franking machine outright means you’ll have full ownership of the device, but it also requires a more substantial upfront cost. For a model like the F12, businesses can expect to invest anywhere from £1,000 to £2,000. This price can fluctuate based on the supplier, any additional features or services you might opt for, and VAT considerations.

When purchasing, it’s also essential to account for the ongoing costs of supplies such as ink cartridges and labels, as well as potential service and maintenance fees. On average, a set of ink cartridges for the F12 might cost around £100-£150, and these will need to be replaced periodically based on usage.

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Rental options

Renting a franking machine can be a more budget-friendly approach for many businesses, especially those with variable mailing needs or those looking to avoid a large initial expenditure. Rental contracts for the F12 typically range from £20 to £40 per month. This fee often includes service and maintenance, making it easier to manage costs over time.

Rental agreements usually span from 12 months to several years, and longer contracts can sometimes offer lower monthly rates. However, it’s worth noting that over a longer period, the total rental costs might exceed the purchase price, so it’s important to weigh the short-term savings against the long-term expenditure.


By enabling businesses to accurately measure and pay for their exact postage requirements, the F12 can offer substantial savings over traditional stamp usage, particularly as second-class stamps can often be overused to avoid insufficient postage.

Additionally, franked mail offers discounted rates compared to stamped mail, which can lead to significant cost savings over time. The F12 also provides access to Royal Mail Mailmark tariffs, which are typically the lowest-cost option for franking machine users.

Maintenance and support

Frama offers comprehensive support and maintenance for the Matrix F12, including a helpline and on-site servicing options. While the robust build of the machine minimises the need for frequent servicing, having support readily available ensures that any downtime can be kept to a minimum.

Frama Matrix F12 – The verdict

The Frama Matrix F12 emerges as an excellent choice for UK businesses looking for a franking machine that combines functionality with ease of use.

While it may not suit businesses with very high mailing volumes, for small to medium-sized companies, the F12 offers a balance of features that can improve mail processing efficiency and offer postal cost savings.

As with any office equipment investment, it’s advisable to consider specific mailing needs and potential future requirements before making a final decision. However, for those whose needs align with its capabilities, the F12 is certainly worthy of consideration.

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